Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lirael, Garth Nix

First a word of warning - unlike Sabriel, the first book in the Old Kingdom series, this is not a stand alone volume, so make sure you've got the third (Abhorsen) waiting in the wings, because you will want to keep reading straight through (whereas I now have to go and buy it).

Set initially fourteen and then eighteen years after the events in Sabriel, it centres on Lirael, a daughter of the Clayr, the seers that live under a glacier in the far north. Saddened by the fact that she alone of all her peers has not yet come of age with the ability to See the possible futures, Lirael is given a job in the Library. This is a huge place, spiralling down in to the mountain, and full of dangers and treasures and knowledge locked behind various doors. With her companion the Disreputable Dog, Lirael sets about exploring, aided by her ability with Charter Magic.

At the same time, dark forces are once again threatening the Kingdom, and with the King and the Abhorsen away in neighbouring Ancelstierre, it is down to Prince Sameth, the reluctant Abhorsen-in-Waiting to try to keep events in check. Joined by Lirael (with newfound abilities to walk in Death as a Remembrancer), they approach the part of the Kingdom controlled by the Necromancer and hidden to the Sight of the Clayr. And that's where you have to go and buy the next one. Frankly, I'm off now.

This book was a definite case of can't-put-down, I read it in about two days and recommend it unhesitatingly (but read Sabriel first). And of all the books I've ever read, I think the place I would most like to go, and live, and work, is the Library of the Clayr.


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