Friday, September 23, 2005

"Doctor Who - The Deviant Strain", by Justin Richards

Following the resurgence of the series on telly, BBC books have launched a new line of novels featuring the Doctor (as played by Christopher Ecclestone), Rose and now in the latest three, Captain Jack Harkness.

This book sees them land in present day Russia after answering a distress call, at a scientific/nuclear submarine outpost that has been largely abandoned by the authorities for years. Joined by a team of Russian soldiers investigating the same energy readings, they not only have the suspicious villagers to contend with, but soon find a body that's been drained of life and substance. Soon it's a fight for survival, against ancient and modern threats, against the background of rotting nuclear submarines.

The fourth in the series to be released, this is possibly the best: it was certainly exciting and paced the action very evenly between the three main characters. Recommended.


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