Saturday, July 23, 2005

"The Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown

When I first heard people banging on about this book, I didn't realise it was actually a novel - what with so many people wibbling on about conspiracy theories and the like, I'd assumed it was some dubious 'historical' book from the likes of Graham Hancock. But no! It's actually a bloody marvellous thriller of the type that you keep picking up to read a bit more of in any spare minutes and fractions of minutes.

It does have its down points, such as vast passages of exposition when the history/myth behind the clues is explained, which tend to lose the feeling of what should actually be conversations between the characters. Also, they take just too damn long to work out some of the clues - you end up bouncing in your seat for pages going 'come, on, come on, it's blindingly obvious' until they twig.

That aside, I definitely recommend it as a yompingly good read. Anyone that's got a passing acquaintence with grail lore and religious/art history perhaps won't find as many revelations as billed, but that just gives you the bonus smug factor.

**Film news**
Oh sweet Jesus, the rumours are true, Tom Hanks is playing Robert Langdon*. Noooooooooooooo! How utterly utterly wrong can you get? The rest of the cast look pretty well matched though [IMDB Listing] Which makes it all the more bizarre.

* Obviously, it should have been Timothy Hutton (above). Why do these people never ask me before making these sorts of decisions?


At 10:43 pm, Blogger Matt said...

glad you liked it.
Wasn't sure if it would be your cup of tea or if you would think it was just so much budgie-droppings.

I think my opinion on it is 'enjoyable old romp'. It's not the massively conspiracy what-not book that too many people big-up it as, but it certainly passes the time. I have read three of his books so far, and they all seem to have been ones that I just keep reading and reading until they are gone (generally under 24 hours from purchase to shelf so far).

What is annoying is the backlash that is happening with irritating people (Mark Lawson anyone? no, didn't think so) being a bit clever-clever about it all.

I don't think they are amazing pieces of literature, but they are rather entertaining which, at the end of the day, is generally all you want out of a book.

so there.


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